1. The best thing I ate today was probably a breakfast sandwich I made. I was on 2 everything bagels, with scrambled eggs, bacon and sausage. My family is eating somewhat different types of food like lettuce wraps, and chicken wings, however will still eat classics like spaghetti with meat balls which is always good. I personally have been eating similar food to what I have been usually eating besides eating out as much.
Today for fun I first made breakfast, then I took my dog for a walk. After that I watched TV for an hour or two. Then I went for a run with my mom and sister, trying to do anything to get out of the house. I chill out for a bit then I work out in my basement. Then I took my dog for another walk. After that I showered and got ready for dinner. Finally, after dinner me and my family play board games for the rest of the night, while eating ice cream and other sorts of desserts.
My musical habits have changed a lot. Before quarantine I listened to a lot more music because of school, like walking in the hallways and just having a good song on. But the music I am listening to is more oldies, rather than rap which I listened to more. I feel like I am doing this because rap music is something trying to ‘hype you up’ however during this time I feel like that sort of ‘hype’ is not nearly as present as it was before. However, oldies songs are something you listen to when your about to go to sleep that make you feel mellow and just make you really think about your life.
2. Technology is definitely being used in my life more. It does have a different feel especially for school because for me learning is a lot different when we are using technology. However, besides that I use it as a form of entertainment to pass by the time when I am not doing anything else like going for walks or playing board games with my family.
One thing that I do that keeps me more relaxed is listening to music. Listening to some chill music really mellows me out and makes me feel a little more happy and hopeful that we will get through this hard time in our lives.
Interesting Quote: “Tell me and I forget, Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.”- Benjamin Franklin
3. I am going on more walks, bike rides, and drives to get out of the house and to get some fresh air. Before all of this getting fresh air wasn’t a problem or something I had to worry about. Now getting fresh air is something I have to think about doing, and these activities take up time and are somewhat an exercise.
Yesterday, the governor announced that we will be quarantined until May 30th. This is hard to hear because it has already been a month and now we have at least another month and not being able to go out with friends is getting hard and almost all activities at home are starting to get boring.
The best advice I have heard was from my physics teacher saying that he wouldn’t have gotten to spend time with his son if it weren’t for Corona, and he said we have to enjoy the time we have with our families. So I have done more like playing board games with my family to spend more time with them, which is something I probably wouldn’t have done before this.