Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Junior Theme Reflection

                 In my junior theme essay, I focused on the issue of why teenagers spend more time indoors  and how that affects them. I realized that this generation has severity lost its touch with nature, and I was curious to find out what was causing this type of behavior. The most influential factor I found in my research was technology and that this generation specifically, uses technology so much more then previous generations. Along with technology, I found out that parenting strategies/techniques have also changed immensely which limits a teens freedoms. Finally, that being indoors for longer periods of time can make teens more susceptible to anxiety and depression.

                 The topic of why teens spend more time indoors may seem like a bland topic, however through my research I found out there are many factors that affect how much time someone spends indoors. The most surprising thing I found in my research was that most teens or just people in general spend time outside because they are bored and trying to eat up time. This surprised me because when I was younger going outside was a privilege being able to hang with friends, nowadays it is seen almost as a burden for people just going outside. My opinion on this subject didn’t really change during my research because going into it I had a pretty good idea that technology was a major impact on why teens are staying indoors more. In my research I found many great websites, newspapers articles, and a couple books which further helped me obtain facts and statistics that I needed to write this paper. The aspect I am most passionate about is how not spending enough time outdoors effects our health and what benefits this generation is missing out on.